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We’re sorry if we might be a bit too farfetched assuming there are still people out there actually commuting by bus. Since we are living in one of those busy cities, believe it or not but we do sometimes get around using this type of transportation. Let us tell you this, there are enough reasons why you’d rather walk to work, especially in the summer time, enough to not want to see naked butts all over the place.
We’re not pointing at those weirdos that wouldn’t even say a word even though you are trying to communicate with them. And it’s not like you suddenly feel the urge to get friendly with strangers with an odd look and a bad odor. It’s just that sometimes you need to ask people to get out of your way so you can get off the bus.
Nor are we subtly claiming that commuting by bus makes you think of rotten sardines. It’s just that I’m simply too big of a petrolhead to leave my car parked at home and betray it with a bigger, more spacious vehicle.
Nevertheless, if anybody ends up in one, the least thing he or she could ask for is a little decency, right?